Our Services
Window Cleaning
Thomas Window is your perfect choice for professional window cleaning services. Regular window cleaning not only improves the appearance of the property but also helps to maintain the integrity and longevity of the windows by preventing the buildup of dirt, grime, and contaminants. It protects your windows from stains and scratches caused by dust and dirt buildup. Using specialized tools, equipment, and cleaning solutions, our team thoroughly cleans both the interior and exterior surfaces of the windows. This process may involve scrubbing away dirt and grime, rinsing with water, and squeegeeing to remove excess water and prevent streaks. If necessary, the team may remove screens, blinds, or other obstacles to access the windows more effectively.
No. of Windows
Inside & Outside
Outside Only
1 - 15
16 - 25
26 - 35
36 - 45
46 - 60
61 - 80
81 - 100
101 - 125
126 - 150
151 - 175
176 - 200
- Wiping of window sills is free
- Storm windows and screens are $3 each
- French windows (price based on size)
- Outside only: $2-$3 extra per window
- Inside & outside: $3-$5 extra per window
- Skylights: $10 each
- Additional charges will apply for over-sized windows and new construction scraping (paint, concrete)
- Cleaning window tracks can vary: $1.50-$3